Yesterday I had the pleasure of learning a little bit more about photography and how it has the ability to enhance every piece of jounralism.
Alexis and Evan visited with Professor Miller’s COMM 361 class to provide a little depth into the realm of visual storytelling.
Alexis, who has a photo journalism background and used to cover politics, explained that the main goal in photogrpahing events is to “find something that doesn’t look staged and break away from the pack of other photographers.”
When asking the class who wants to work in multimedia and photography, there may have been one or two hands in the air. At this point we learned that all of Alexis and Evan’s bosses are writers and therefore still benefit from knowing about this field.
The fact of the matter is that we live in an age where reading more than fifty words becomes a struggle, therefore when multimedia is integrated effetively, the entire piece becomes more desirable to the audience.
After Alexis and Evan left, Miller’s TA took over and told the class a bit more about photography and multimedia. He hit home when sharing iPhone aps with the class that are better than Instagram–can you believe it? Students now know about an array of aps where you can change colors and exposure on a curve, make photos look non-pixelated and more. In an era where folks want their stories to be told through perfect pictures, we couldn’t be happier that none of these aps cost more than $4.99.
Overall, learning more about the way that multimedia compliments a written piece was interesting because it prompted us to think beyond the written words and how to actually convey our story through images.
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